The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council and Office of Patnongon has been recognized as one of the FULLY COMPLIANT Municipalities in the 23RD GAWAD KALASAG Awards

Gawad KALASAG Seal for Local DRRM Council and Office is envisioned to serve as an assessment mechanism for all Local Government Units as they implement the mandatory provisions of Sections 11 and 12 of Republic Act No. 10121 on the institutionalization of their Local DRRM Councils (LDRRMCs) and Local DRRM Offices (LDRRMOs), including other policy issuances of the National DRRMC.

Our MDRRMCO has undergone a series of stringent evaluations to be endorsed to the National Gawad Kalasag Secretariat and ultimately be conferred with the Gawad Kalasag Seal.

KUDOS TO THE MDRRM Office and Council of Patnongon! This milestone is a true testament of our LGUs pursuit to a resilient and disaster-ready community. JOB WELL DONE!