Do you still remember when you were interviewed by Enumerators during the 2nd semester of last year? Do you still recall when you were interviewed by people doing house-to-house visits in your barangay for a census? Well, the results are in and last week, September 4, 2023, the data was reviewed by the functionaries of our LGU for the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Municipal Data Review.

Mr. Rodme Febreo and Mr. Joeven Rubinos from the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA)-Antique reviewed the results of the collected data with the LGU Functionaries to gauge it with the existing data that we have, if there is any, to contribute to the enhancement of the accuracy and reliability of data.

Updated and recent data from the CBMS is very much important especially in planning, program implementation and impact monitoring at the local level. It gives our LGU ample and accurate information for formulating long-term plans that are for the benefit of the entire locality.

Spearheaded by the Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) headed by Engr. Andres Francis Gideon Esler, the members of the LGU of Patnongon were also informed by the specialists from the PSA of the documents and other preparation before the actual CBMS Data Turnover. Once CBMS Data is turned over to our LGU, it can already be used and processed by the different departments with an appropriate request made with the MPDO which is the office that will gatekeep the 2022 CBMS Data of Patnongon.